Happy Halloween!!!
[Celestial Blue]
Just like the color of sky
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Too many things are happening
Yes!! I finally cut my hair on Friday. And..I love it!! ^ 3 ^
This reminds me of me in middle school years... but I found that my mom doesn't need to be worried. (It's not that short, mom.)
It was a very hard decision to cut it because I could possibly look worse..
Now I am thinking I partially look like an emo boy... but oh well! :-P
The UT math contest was a total failure... I even didn't pass the Fermat 1 because I got one more wrong than the cut. Darn it. So, Sarah, Jian, Umang, Amal, Troy, Eddie, Dennis(who is a Sophomore...), and Carlina passed the test and only Troy got the honor of getting $4000 scholarships for UT. However, one fact tells that only few people actually use that scholarship...
WOOT for 2 student holidays!! This year, Knox County students have one school off on Thursday(November 2nd) and Tuesday(November 7). So basically, it is a range of fun days.
AND.... I have a SAT reasoning test on this following Saturday. I am very excited that my reading score finally went up to 570. (Please don't tell me I am such a noob, English is hard for me.. =' ( ...) I hope I can get at least 1900.
The last news.. I found out that some colleges require TOEFL for extra if applicants' native language is not English. Since I am not applying as an International student, I am not sure if I have to take it or not... Mainly, I am panicing in such case as being unable to understand British English and Australian English.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hard decision on my hair
I am kinda concerned about cutting front part of hair... ... . It has been quite years since I didn't cut it. Of course, I am not thinking about making it above of eyebrows or somthing, but just cutting 2 to 2.5 inches. The reason is that I hate looking like a dumb when I don't tie my hair. And, only semi-tying(Like I usually do) is best for me...so I decided to cut my front hair.
I wonder what my mom will say about this... = P
P.S. By the way, I am participating UT math contest for tomorrow. Yay for no classes!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
This fall break goes too long...
I decided to kill some time for Jay Leno's lat night show... As I turned on TV, Bob Corker's campaign came to my eyes. The campaign was all about explaining how great he is and how wrong Harold Ford is.... No longer his campaign ad ended, Harold Ford appeared and blamed what Bob Corker has done... *sigh* It really makes me desperate when those two blaming each other.
Good news is that I found myself already knowing 50% of vocabulary that I supposed to know for SAT test. Now 700 more vocabs to go!
My debit card is working now. Even though I ordered the card a month ago, it hasn't been activated. However, I tried for another activation call on Tuesday morning and suceeded by putting 16digits number of the card and pause sign. Then, I found blaming myself putting pause sign and the numbers on previous calls.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Rushing Depression...
Some of my friends are depressed by now... (including me...) I've dreamed of very scary dreams since last monday so now I am afraid of sleeping... The dream was that I got 0 on several projects because I didn't do it. And what I remember is I've got fainted in my dream when I saw all Cs on my report card...(Just in dream, I've never got C on final report) Ironically, I have nothing to worry about in reality but I somehow feel depression from tests. Maybe it's just some enviness from all of my friends who do much better work than I do or I've been reminisced memory from California too much...(I see that the dream has somehow connection with it)
I am going to go to cure my uneasiness today. I am going Boarders for a moment to study. = )
Saturday, October 07, 2006
New Animations arrived!
D. Gray Man and Death Note animations are now started! I never expected Death Note to be animated since the manga version ended several months ago, and a lot of characters' inner thoughts appear. Now I am downloading both episodes to see how qualities of those would be.
I just saw two episodes from D.Gray Man and Death Note. If I give points for both....
Soiler Warning!
D.Gray Man : 4.2 out of 5.0
1. Opening/Ending Songs : Very good! The songs well expresses darkness of the animation.
2. Color/Characters' Movement : Color seems to be one of high quality but movements are general compared to other animes. (Fullmetal Panic: The Second Raid has better flexibility than this anime.)
3. Technique used : It's little better than average but still.....
Death Note : 5.0 out of 5.0 (Holy Cow!!! This one is AMAZING!!!! It well creates the original mood from manga..And the characters' movement is pretty flexible. You should watch this!)
1. Opening/Ending Songs : Very good! Also, opening and ending animations amazingly match with the theme.
2. Color/Characters' Movement : Color and the movements are pretty realistic.
3. Technique used : If you see scene on middle, you'll see the active movement of Raito. (aka. awesome.. = ) )
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Eating fork isn't fun..
I was eating lunch.. and eventually looked up my fork....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Under the college applications...
I recieved my grade for entire high school years (except senior year). 0.92 percentile...well.. not bad at all. It seems like only matters that will affect college acceptances are my SAT scores including SAT 2 scores.
Indeed, filling out applications is a huge work..., and I am very worried about essays..
-College List that I am applying:
Vandy, Emory, Berkeley, UCLA, UT, UV, University of Rochester, and other 4 colleges.
Good news to Caitlin and Bonny! We may re-order Mu Alpha Theta T-shirts for those who want the t-shirts.
Monday, October 02, 2006
We rock'en rolled Walmart
WARNING!!! : It is so sweet event indeed. So if you have diabetes, avoid this post.
(Maybe I am emjoying too much of warnings which are pharaphrase of mine. Now I am worried what if the person with real diabetes appears....)
On Saturday, everyone who graduated Farragut High gathered together. (Sadly, I was only high schoolers among them...except Nick since he went to flight contest.)
Firstly, we met all together at 3o'clock in Keva Juice and spent about an hour..(pretty much..)
On the picture below, Caitling, Michael, and Jake are showing K-Change sign. (Yay! K-Change!)

Then we went to Walmart and killed a lot of time on picking up dolls from a machine...And I didn't get Pooh doll.. dammit...
Group Picture of everyone. I am sorry, guys.. I failed taking in good quality..

Caitlin wanted to give this adorable pony with rainbow-colored hair to Kevin, because it reminded her of Kevin somehow. And I dont' know how....But the pony will remain in our memory forever by posting this picture. = )

Actually, the woman employee glared at us after all. Maybe it was all the loud voices were ours. = P
After all the joys in Walmart, we were ready to go for..FOOD!!!! Since Olive Garden had so many people waiting in there already, we chose to go to Wasabi instead.
And I saw some of you doing Lama stuff.

I recorded in a video form. Enjoy it.
Kindly, Kevin's parents paid for our dinner.

Took a picture of Kevin's which the workers in Wasabi took for memoire of his birthday.

Conclusion : I can't express with my words (with my limited vocabulary usage). Simply, it was the biggest impact after the incident of destruction of our school box in MAO State Convention. Click here to review for a moment.
Hahaha...got it?