Monday, May 29, 2006

yeah.. I am tagged..

Tagged by Jake.. = P

1. Four Jobs I've had in my life

  • Computer fixer.. (When I lived with my mom and my sister. Reinstalling computer was always my job.)
  • Drawer (When I was in Anime club, I sold several pics.)
  • A high school student
  • This job is hard to say that I HAVE HAD... but an enthusiastic picture taker(lover).
2. Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over, and Have:

  • Animatrix
  • Lord of the Rings
  • The Dead Poet's Society
  • Treasure Planet

3.Four Places I've Lived:

  • LA, California
  • Seoul, Korea (The capital of Korea)
  • Knoxville, TN
  • At my room... (I spend too much time in my room...T-T)
4.Four Shows I Love To Watch:

  • Simpsons
  • Cartoon Network
  • CSI (Only Las Vegas version)
  • Twilight Zone

5.Four Places I've Been On Vacation:

  • OMG...Almost all south part of US ( It was on the elementary school year, I traveled most parts of South.)
  • Seoul, Korea (Last year, I visited my mom and dad = P. )
  • Disney World (It was fantastic..)
  • Nashville
6. Four Websites I Visit Daily:

  • Xanga
  • My hompage (to see additional comments)
  • DeviantArt
  • Hotmail
7.Four Places I Would Like To Visit:

Yeah.. all places are located in US.

  • California
  • New York
  • Emory (Emory~~ >_<)
  • Disney World
8.Four People I Am Tagging With This:

  • Chris
  • Nick
  • Carrie
  • and anyone who wants to do it

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New style

lol...I did it again...

I changed the blog style little bit.. removed greenish background, and put the color on the profile and list boxes. And as you realized new pic on the left bottom, yeah, I draw new one for my blog. Of course, the line should be in black, but this was changed by photoshop. well, actually the pic should be transparent to the back ground, it was not that successful after all. So I painted the background as pure white.

Seems like...okay to me. = P

* The changed background is for full view...*

Sunday, May 21, 2006

lol The pictures that I took on last Tuesday.
Of course, I made Caitlin to put the cute cow doll on her head. (Awesome Caitlin!!)

so...Jake and Kevin seemed to be sorta uncomfortable with the cows.

Caitlin's awesome picture. She draw Kevin and his doppelganger killing him..

Monday, May 15, 2006

It just happened on Friday. lol...
I always have enough time(about 30 min) until I catch my bus to go home, so do on Friday. I visited Science Club to see Carlina, one of my friends, and found out most of them were Mu Alpha Theta club members. They were voting for president and vice presidents for next year. (Even though I was not a member of Science Club) watched for a while. After the vote, Mrs.Witck mentioned about the club needs a historian who can take pictures and keep them. And you know lots of Mu Alpha Theta members know me as a "Camera Girl." (And that's why I got a vice president of historian seat.) Guess what happened...

It was kinda..
(>__>) (>__>) (>__>) (o__O) <--me

Yup... with 100% of agreements, I became a historian of Science Club. = P

Monday, May 08, 2006

The final reaction

MuHAHAHAHA~ I own world. >: )

Now I realized how worrying was useless after all. I was extremely nervous yesterday, the day before the biology test day. I tried to review all over the stuff that I learned. And the nervousness grew too extreme, I even couldn't sleep well.
In this morning I arrived to Cleft at 7:30, just nervous I even didn't talk much. (In fact, there was Michael only whom I could talk to...) The time approached slowly to me and I just couldn't think anything else but test. Finally, the time came. My eyes were focused on the first question as I opened the test booklet.


My inner voice screamed as if I can do in the test center.

Inner me : o_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!
(Realizing the whole part is easier than SAT)

Yup..much easier than last year's... = P So I learned a new lesson here. "Worrying is just a worthless thing."

Saturday, May 06, 2006

>_> Witty motions

Just check out new movie of Kevin and Michael.

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Sad Story

I heard a sad story from Michael Horning during lunch when Kevin went to Cafeteria to pick up his lunch. It was about two children's wonderful dreams in their Freshman year. One child had a dream of getting into Havard, and the other dreamed of getting into MIT. Both kids promised to make their dreams come true. And four years later, they finally got college acceptances. So it's about time to decide where to go. One kid made his mind to go to UT, and the other got waitlisted in Vanderbuilt, but he made in Virginia Tec.

Me: so... o_o...
Michael: Yup, the two kids were Kevin and I... ... .

Me: (realizes Kevin is coming) ahh >_>
(Thinking) : GUSH! IT is still awesome to get in UT and Virginia Tec!

Just making me miserable... T-T

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