Thursday, November 30, 2006


I finally finished my UC application!

Thanks to Evan, Tim, Stewart, Nick, and Jeannie for fixing my horrible essays!

= )

Monday, November 27, 2006

... currently addicted to unhappiness...

Edit: Physics make-up test tomorrow
UC application due on Thursday
Econ test on Thursday
Software for final project due on Friday

lastly...... Ultimate test, SAT, on this Saturday

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Boring Thanksgiving day

.... I was writing the post and gone by accidentally pushing Ctrl+V... I hate this but I am re-writing again. Yeah... it's for grammar practice... lol
My Thanksgiving Day was extremely boring. Some visitors came over my home for lunch. Unfortunately, three young kids came along with their parents. They talked to me ceaselessly. (You know how I keep silent generally.) So, for a solution, I gave them pieces of paper and let them draw something. However, it didn't work well. Their ability to chit-chat was so amazing even they could keep talking while they focused on drawing. lol

For today, I spent nearly 4 hours for studying for SAT at Borders while being mournful about the truth that the studying won't help raise my grade that much. After dinner, I met Jeannie, Jack, Caitlin, Michael, Jeannie's cool Asian friends, Bonny, and Matt to enjoy some time at Borders. (I stayed for 6 hours and half at there today) Since Kevin and Jake were gone to Atlanta for all day, no chance for them! (Actually, Caitlin and I got envy of them) Of course, we had a good time as guaranteed.

I found myself procrastinating of filling out UC application which is due on next Thursday. But I am pretty sure that I am finishing two short essays by tomorrow.

P.S. Rewriting sucks.....

Monday, November 20, 2006


Holy cow.... TOEFL that I took was horrible!

The reading part was okay although I partially messed up the first passage. What I thought was I had 20 minutes for reading one passage so I spent 7 minutes for reading very throughly but I soon realized I had 10 questions for the passage. but at least I was able to finish problems. Other reading parts were okay. And I found relatively easy for listening section. xD yay
HOWEVER, I really screwed up the speaking part. You know how I get extremely nervous when i talk infront of people. Well, during the test, I was talking to computer but I imagined two judges are listening to me with staring at my faces.. I freaked out. So, I tried to change my imagination into speaking infront of you guys. Sadly, there were too many of you guys in front of me. YEEEK! So I stopped talking..... paused.... and said at the last seconds, "darn it." I am sure it was recorded. (I am assuming to get 0 out of 5 on that portion.) Other speaking were not bad but still they couldn't give me any sort of satisfaction.
Writing portion was okay, because some how I found enjoyment from it. The first writing was very good (I think) The second writing was creating 300 words essay for 30 minutes by using given topic. Even though I ended up writing 261 words, I'll be okay since they defined as "Effective passage is minimum 300 words" not as a requirement.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I wish I could meet you guys on this Sunday. lol

Edit: Piff... Never mind...

Monday, November 13, 2006

I have some bad news here...

My TOEFL test date which supposed to be on Saturday moved to Monday 10 am. So, I need to skip second and third classes.

My car went crazy today. I was driving on road and stopped before red light. And when it turned to green, I pushed accelerator, and it didn't move but its wheels were cycling. So, I turned off and on my car quick.
I hope the car behind me didn't get scared... (I was sure that it was set on "Drive", and I didn't push with brake.)

Here is one nerdy Math joke...
Engineers and scientists will never make as much money asbusiness executives. Now follows a rigorous mathematical Proofthat explains why this is true:
Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power.
Postulate 2: Time is Money.
As every engineer knows,
-------- = Power

Since Knowledge = Power, and Time = Money, we have

--------- = Knowledge

Solving for Money, we get:
--------- = Money

Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinityregardless of the Work done.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I saw Mr.Beckett

I think some of you might be jealous if you hear this. lol

I was sleeping through morning class, which is software design, and I was waken up by someone saying that he is at math lab. When I saw him, I just ran into him and called his name loudly (I was in ecstasy).

Science club and math club were scheduled to meet after school today for year book picture. However, the yearbook team didn't show up... so, I took it instead of them. = P Amal helped taking it for science club picture for me.

And lastly... I am going Tennessee Tech for science bowl but I am not participating in competetion.

EDIT: How about going to Atlanta with everyone during Thanks giving holidays?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bomb Threat at Farragut

It was a distinctly cold morning but we weren't allowed to get into school. The girls near my car told me that there was a bomb threat... Everyone waited at parking lot and talked about how stupid the bomber would be. Indeed, we had no choice but to skip morning classes. Tim suggested going to Chick-fil-A. Of course, I joined with his fellow.(later on, including Nick) Actually, we were not the only people gotten out of school to go to chick-fil-A. I saw other several people there. My classmates from my morning class were using their "great team work" to do AP chemistry homework (some of them just copied others' answers). About at 8 o'clock, we heard that the bomb threat is over... However, Nick and I left at Walmart and enjoyed skipping first classes.

[To stop the music click the background and push ESC]

Since my econ class only had 9 people, we had to watch a video called, "A Secret of Richness." Later, we've got a quiz about the video. As I expected, I only could get 50% of problems right while everyone got 100% correct.

Coach Driver: "Aspen, did you EVER try to pay attention?"
me: "Yes.. but I am really bad at listening."
Coach Driver: "Then you better need to sit infront of the rows."

I just meant that I was bad at listening something in English. I still can't catch 100.0% details on TV shows. So, I mess up quizzes which is about the videos that is shown during class. Well... indeed, I totally failed to explain fully about it since I wasn't willing to be looked pitiful. ( I didn't want to talk about how bad my English is.. )

(This case is opposite of the case that I have in AP Statistics class. I know one Korean girl as well as her older sister who is in college now. Basically, we talk in Korean. And, Mrs. Wolfe, a new Stats teacher, thinks that my English is so bad even not enough to understand some problems on tests... I am not that illiterate....)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hurray for 780 on math subject test!!! I kinda wanted 800 but since there is no big difference...

Once again, my drawing was printed in fan art section of Newtype 11. Like last time, it is small....(depressed)

P.S. Should I move my SAT test to December?

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