Monday, May 08, 2006

The final reaction

MuHAHAHAHA~ I own world. >: )

Now I realized how worrying was useless after all. I was extremely nervous yesterday, the day before the biology test day. I tried to review all over the stuff that I learned. And the nervousness grew too extreme, I even couldn't sleep well.
In this morning I arrived to Cleft at 7:30, just nervous I even didn't talk much. (In fact, there was Michael only whom I could talk to...) The time approached slowly to me and I just couldn't think anything else but test. Finally, the time came. My eyes were focused on the first question as I opened the test booklet.


My inner voice screamed as if I can do in the test center.

Inner me : o_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!
(Realizing the whole part is easier than SAT)

Yup..much easier than last year's... = P So I learned a new lesson here. "Worrying is just a worthless thing."


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

Congratulations on a good test! I'm sure you'll get a 5 on the test

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Congrats! Who can add a day to their life by worrying? In fact, it seems to take days off instead. I need to learn your lesson too, Aspen. :-)

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You owned that test completely.


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