yeah.. I am tagged..
Tagged by Jake.. = P
1. Four Jobs I've had in my life
- Computer fixer.. (When I lived with my mom and my sister. Reinstalling computer was always my job.)
- Drawer (When I was in Anime club, I sold several pics.)
- A high school student
- This job is hard to say that I HAVE HAD... but an enthusiastic picture taker(lover).
- Animatrix
- Lord of the Rings
- The Dead Poet's Society
- Treasure Planet
3.Four Places I've Lived:
- LA, California
- Seoul, Korea (The capital of Korea)
- Knoxville, TN
- At my room... (I spend too much time in my room...T-T)
- Simpsons
- Cartoon Network
- CSI (Only Las Vegas version)
- Twilight Zone
5.Four Places I've Been On Vacation:
- Xanga
- My hompage (to see additional comments)
- DeviantArt
- Hotmail
Yeah.. all places are located in US.
- California
- New York
- Emory (Emory~~ >_<)
- Disney World
- Chris
- Nick
- Carrie
- and anyone who wants to do it