Saturday, June 03, 2006

Flying is not fun..

My plan is taking an airplane and flying for over 15 hours on Monday. It's going to be a totally reluctant flight... Of course it was fun thing to take when I was young and I badly suffered the torture last year(I went to Korea last summer). And I once lost an airplane in Chicago airport (Barely took the airplane which was the last one on that day).

But the thing is that I once will arrive on Japan airport, Narita Airport, and spend for one and half hour. = ) YAY! MANGA!!!
However... remember Kevin!! Even the people in Japanese airport can't understand one sort of English... Last time I had to do some hand-acts to buy a Naruto manga at a bookstore....>_<

Anyway, this trip will be okay after all (except that I am going there to study SAT) . But nothing need to be worried. I will keep writing posts on my blog. = )


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad you have to leave so soon, but I hope you have a good time anyways. When are you coming back?

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Aspen said...

I am coming back on August 9th... Little bit early for school days but still late for Summer Insanity.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Oh wow, I didn't realize you left so soon...but you come back with still one and a half weeks before we go to college, so there's still time.

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aspen, Jake and I want to go out with you tonight, so call me at 719-4440, or call Jake and let us know if you can. We really wanted to say goodbye!!

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aspen, can you come to a farewell dinner tonight at Panera? Obviously, it's a farewell dinner for you.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Oh, wow. I did not realize that you were going home for the summer. I hope you have a good trip! I will keep checking your blog.


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