Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This week news.

1. I finally finished drawing prize and sent to Chris yesterday... XD and this time, it is colored with my markers not with photoshop. I hope he like it..

2. Pi day is coming! For this, I am drawing a crazy fable of pi. I will soon show you some days in next week.

3. oh, I finally got NewType magazine, and depressed by the front page. Oh~ man no more Gundam. This is sixth time Gundam is on the front page since last year. And checked for a poll for best anime character and best anime. Guess what? 80% of people chosed Gundam series!! People are crazy in it!


At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! This is Sarah (from lunch and MAO). I have an acquaintance who's really, REALLY obsessed with Gundam. It's kind of disturbing. And I agree, it is kind of annoying to see the same anime on the magazine covers all the time. Have a good spring break!

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would try Gundam, but David Hanson is almost religiously devoted to it. I think I'll pass. Oh, and your door poster was amazing/hilarious. Asians own.

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Yes! I loved my prize, Aspen. Great job!

Second, even though I'm sick and should probably be resting, I can't let the Gundam conversation go without saying something! The Gundam multiverse is huge and diverse, filled with both the exceptionally good and the exceptionally crappy. The series that follow the originial UC timeline are classic and very well done. They are the first anime that caught my attention. What has been on the cover of Newtype so much is Gundam Seed, however. I could never get into that series, and it did not seem so hot to me. I was surprised it was on the cover again too, but please don't judge all of Gundam by Seed.


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