'_'/ Come to see my new pic
Another successful(?) picture. Horray! XD
My markers are useful for coloring but seems like they look different when I scan my pic...
so actually I balanced color of some parts but couldn't do on the hat part. *sob..T-T
I should find other way of preserving original colors ....
P.S. My space in photobucket is running out right now. @_@ no~~~~~ (*yells and falls down to ground)
I need another accuont of image sites~ Ghrrr
Yells! : 0
I need something fun to do! I need at least one during spring break! My life is pretty much boring right now. So That's why I feel so much better when I am in school. Homework and tests sometimes make me feel good >: ) (*giggles and show an evil smile) ok. Could you guys come up with something fun that I can do on my blog? I need some event...something fun...And I need something on my blog for designing. I dont' need many but just one which can change my blog....
This week news.
1. I finally finished drawing prize and sent to Chris yesterday... XD and this time, it is colored with my markers not with photoshop. I hope he like it..2. Pi day is coming! For this, I am drawing a crazy fable of pi. I will soon show you some days in next week.3. oh, I finally got NewType magazine, and depressed by the front page. Oh~ man no more Gundam. This is sixth time Gundam is on the front page since last year. And checked for a poll for best anime character and best anime. Guess what? 80% of people chosed Gundam series!! People are crazy in it!
To. the winner of 1000th visitor...I barely completed the sketch of the prize...But It seems like it's gonna take much time to finish since I have mid-terms. It will be completed before the spring break...So...sorry Chris !! XD
Ma0 Competition Day 2
Ok. This post continues from the previous post, 'Ma0 Competition Day 1 '.
After the night, we gathered in the roby at 8:30. I couldn't get enough sleep because I had to draw poster that Mr.Beckett gave me on the night. So, I spent some night time with my roomates, and finished on the poster. The poster was also one of the competetions, you know. The theme must be related to math and magic. Well, actually the idea is from other people, and Jeannie's great idea of putting magic spell in Latin seemed to work. We decided to put e(natural number) instead of pi, because pi is so~ common. The last sentences below harry is reverse perody version of this year's MuAlphaTheta convention T-shirt, saying "It's a Snitch. Snape kills Dumbledore".

Afternoon, we took the ciphering and individual test. They were so hard~... But here, they got a problem. They didn't know there were answer sheets back of the problems...in individual test. THEREFORE, WE HAD TO RETAKE THE TEST!
You can feel that terrible moment by observing this guy's face.
So, we did. Fortunately, it was so much easier than the first one. Everyone guaranteeded it! : )
About at 2:00, we had a last event, awards ceremony. As the result, I got a first place in poster(Yeah for harry!), and Alexandriar Kong (Her real name is Soo-Jin Kong, of course a Korean.) for Chalk Talk. And Umang got one second place in individual test(in my memory), Matthew Woerner, and as well as Michael Horning. Also few sophomores.
And as the really last event, our school got second place in the state! Sounds like pretty awesome but if we considered that we had beatten by White Station High, which is located in Memphis and who also beat us this year, it's not that good. Our goal was beating them this year... ... .
As being second place, we yelled and demanded new boxes. We put all of our trophies and medals in there to celebrate this year's achievement.
Ma0 Competition Day 1
SWEET WARNING! It's going to be a really long post.
As presented in the title, yeah. It happened on last Friday. I went to near Neshville to attend MuAlphaTheta Competition. We gathered in front of first floor office after the second block.
Of course, I was going for pictures~ (For those who can't understand what I am saying.... I got a new hobby, taking pictures)

We took a school bus. But when I saw the bus, I just felt like not right. Once my bus changed into new one. And absolutely, I was happy to take new one instead of old dirty one with everyting roll on the bottom. But after a week, the old bus started to pick me up again... Darn... ... . And guess what? The bus that we took for field trip for Math Competetion was the same bus that I used to take... ... . Still it has a pad bus number of 33 attached in inside.
We rested for a lunch time. Most of people rushed into Wendey's. And I could fairly understand pretty much know how many times we had eaten McDonald's hamburger for breakfast of lunch. Only we entered to McDonald for save our money.(We checked for calories that we consumed. Except few sandwitches, almost everything of menu reached over 500calories. 0_0)
Then we went to gas station during rest of lunch time. Of course, I was passionate about taking other people's pictures. But those two refused to take pictures.

After three hours, we finally arrived to a motel. 'sigh' It was relatively small than other motels which were around the motel that we had. So anyway, teamed three to four people used one room with two beds. And my roomates found something amazing thing in their life(Actually they thought 'it' was pretty amazing though).
Decorated tissue roll!
I also have not seen this in my life...-_-
Not only the royal tissue roll but also the second funny thing was waiting us.
Guess what the boys are doing....(Please don't scroll down instantly. Try to guess what's happening here.)
As you see, they brought a game, connected it to TV, and played game. They looked insane in game.
After 30 minutes, approximately at 4:15 (I guess) we arrived Ravenwood High School. And below is our symbol, a box, with our hero, Umang~
So...We got the opening ceremony right after we arrived. It was impressive as well. Because nobody drowsed during the ceremony which only took 10 minutes. : )
Ate a pizzar as dinner. (We were free to take cookies and bottles of juice at anytime). Under lost pressure by enjoyment, we had a math bowl which attracted most of people to watch. But we (Jeannie, Lina, Kevin, Carrie, Bonny, me, and other few people) left in Cafetaria, and played Spoon(card game). And after that, we actually started to stick a spoon onto our noses, and had a small competetion of that. Lina won! : )
At 10:00 dancing time came! During dancing time, ONLY our school did pretty weird stuff. Sophomores appeared in some formal suits.
I am sure that's why we had a kidnapping by other school. The box was kidnapped. Our school symbol and hope was lost...(no~~ l0l) And we realized soon that was other school students' deed. They dropped the box from the second floor. Fortunately it didn't work after all. Our hero, Umang Shukla rescued the box! Hurrah!
However those excitement didn't go any longer.
Because Kevin destroyed it....
And his crime was exposed by my picture. Haha! I got an evidence!