Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Korean Drama

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I found this video on Youtube several months ago. In the video, people talk in Korean with awkward tones. This well describes the characteristics of general Korean dramas. lol Since the sub and talking don't match each other, I'll put translation here.

Bobby Lee: huh?
A man: Why are you crying?
Bobby Lee: Why? Why?
My heart hurts.
A man: huh?
Bobby Lee: ::sobs::
A man: yes, you went crazy.
Waitor! (waitress)
Bobby Lee: Long Bong, you have not dead!

::hugs each other::

Bobby Lee: Long Bon, why? why?
A girl: ::mumbles::
The president : Now explain that to me.
The president came back. Aren't I cool?
Isn't my hair cool? I washed my hair today.
This looks like a Chinese restaurant. That noodles look delicious.
Also, you wore a wig.
(and then he says some bad words which don't make sense)
A girl: I don't know which person I have to choose.
The president: Let's see who is better.

::slaps each other::

The president: Step back.

::continues to slap each other::

A girl: You! A bad man! You!
A woman: Violence is forbidden! Stop that immediately!
A girl& Bobby Lee: Mother!


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Korean drama sounds...interesting...kind of like American soap operas.


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