Once Upon a Time..
I ALREADY MADE JEANNIE FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!! >_<Once upon a time, there was a cat who always got angry...
One day, he saw a turtie who was enjoying walking on a hill.
With speedy movement, he caught the turtie...
Then he cut the turtie's skin until the turtie died in bleeding.
And..that's it. So the cat lived happily ever after. = PWell, sorry for annoying pictures containing great cruelty. I just wanted to tell you about this..
"How to draw manga"
About the book series called, "How to draw manga".. It is very impressive in outside cover, but depressing in inside. The reason why I looked up some series in bookstores is that the cover picture was amazing. I've been looked up some pages in inside and realized that they are trying to teach 80's drawing style... I hope they can fix a lot of parts in books
Amazing Change
I have an amazing change in this semester. 1. Since I have a morning class at 7 am, I started to wake up early (even in weekends) and became more resistant to tiredness. 2. I drive! YAY! I used to be very afraid of getting into car and driving by myself, but now it seems to be okay. And now I have opportunity to get Wal-mart or Borders as many time as I need. = ) 3. I joined 3 clubs this year which are TSA, Mu Alpha Theta, and science club. And guess what I have there. I have extreme honor of having historian seats in all those clubs.
My senior year in school
Awesome.. I mean it would be awesome this year. And also the busy year. News in Mu Alpha Theta is that we officers designed T-shirts with Mr.Beckett pic on it. It is for reminicing him as our awesome math teacher. If the T-shirts come out, I'll show you guys on pic. And another news in Science Club is we are dividing the Science Club into two sub-clubs. So basically, we will meet at different dates. (But the thing is I have to go both sides of meeting..) Also I am trying to join to TSA. Jeannie was kinda disappointed of me taking this year not last year when she asked me to do. = / Sorry Jeannie~ College Application begins! I am currently focusing on 11 colleges that I will apply to. America's Best Colleges by US Newsweek provides good source of college and also the list of best national universities. One amazing fact is that Princeton University got first place this year (Havard took 2nd and Yale took 3rd place.). Also the many other colleges have changed its rankings. Berkeley and Emory went up.. Lastly, I recieved a bad news several months ago. (yeah, it was quite long ago) My Parent's will not come for MY GRADUATION!!!!! I knew it would be hard to them to cross Atlantic Ocean just to see a girl's high school graduation but... *depressed = (
The Dumb thing
I did a dumb thing in Keva Juice today. I ordered Peach Slice... and the manager said.. "The peach is frozen...." * Key : Peach Slice is the peach juice in Smothie King
Do-ke-bi is the famous Korean ghost. In this time with this topic, I created two characters...
Of course, traditional Do-ke-bi doesn't look like these...These characters are rather like in human form and even wear sun-glasses. xD
1. Traditional Do-ke-bi
2. First Character
This character doesn't seem like Do-ke-bi
3. Second Character
I prefer this character than the first one.