Monday, February 13, 2006

The Truth of Chocolate

Today, I read amazing fact about chocolate from a newspaper.

That the fact is we can know taste of each chocolate by its shape.

For example,....

The "M" on this chocolate identifies it as a maple cream.
A four-prong fork is used to mark peanut butter melts.
A diagonal mark across a chocolate denotes a caramel.
An "O" shape denotes an orange cream.
[This information is from New Sentinel]
So.. therefore Forrest Gump's chocolate theory is wrong!!


At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

스니커즈 초콜릿은 X자모양의 무늬가있다
하지만 같은맛의 스니커즈 미니는 대각선무늬이다.....

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Aspen said...

'-' 건 좀 예외...
(That's an exception)


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